Thursday, June 13, 2013

Oh hey...(I still have a blog???!!!?)

Hey guys! Long time updating? Writing? Whatever the correct terminology is, insert it there.


Guess who has two thumbs and completed her first year of college and didn't die?


Guess who has two thumbs and has no idea how she completed her first year of college and didn't die?


But, not only did I survive, but I maintained an A and B average both semesters!!

I'm so pumped.

Anyways...(I'm trying to think of what I haven't talked about since I posted last)

I turned 19...which really isn't as exciting as you would believe.  The day was fun (even though it was super rainy and gross) but I really don't feel any different than when I was 18.  Oh well.

*I would also like to take this time to thank everyone for the birthday wishes if I didn't already...I know it's a little late, but it's the thought that counts, right?

Uhhh...what else?

Oh, I'm in South Carolina!

I've been here since school got out in May to visit my lovely sister, Adrienne!

It was exciting, because I flew in a plane by myself for the first time.  So instead of a 15 hour drive, it was a 4 ish hour plane trip.

Let's just say I love flying.

Anyway, I've been here for about a month, and I'm having a great time.  I missed my sister a whole bunch, so I'm glad I've had the time to spend with her again.  We went to Savannah a few days ago, which was super cool! I love old colonial towns so the trip made my history geek very happy.

I was hoping we would get to go to Washington, D.C, as well, but because Adrienne is taking a trip to Brazil at the end of the month, it just wasn't going to work out this trip.

I guess I'm just gonna have to come back again sometime (and possibly with my best friend. What do you think, Morgan? lol)

**If you guys would like to donate to my sister's trip (which I'm sure she would greatly appreciate) you can go to this link Adrienne's Paypal, or feel free to give it to her when she comes back to Missouri next week (with yours truly!)

Anyway, I hope I caught you guys up on my life goings on...hopefully I won't take so long with updating this again.

That's all for now!

Alaina :)