Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Things to do instead of writing a paper

As every high school student knows, whenever you sit down to write a paper somehow everything else in the entire world becomes insanely more interesting.  And thus far, my college experience is no different! 

And that makes me very, VERY, afraid.

So, needless to say, I have a paper due Thursday on a writing construct (or, for people not in my honors English class, a "rule" about writing that isn't necessarily valid all the time. Like how the information in textbooks is viewed as truth, but should really be seen as an argument or claim, not fact. (I know, according to my class, everything I learned in school was a LIE. Jerks.))  The paper was officially assigned last Tuesday, and in that time, I've managed to:
My invitation! (Isn't it cute?)
-Watch 5 movies
-Find countless funny pictures on Pinterest
-Hang out with my roomies and my friend Beth
-Start planning my brother and sister-in-law's housewarming party (and by planning I mean making super creative invitations and not much else)
-Help my mom at her office
-Complete all my Spanish and Psychology assignments (see, not all of them are counterproductive!)
-Get caught up on all things Facebook
-Try to get my old Nintendo 64 to work (which was unsuccessful. bummer.)
-Help pick out a birthday present for my suitemate

Now before you get all worried that I haven't even started my paper (mom and dad), I will have you know that I have almost an entire page written, and that was after I completely started over because I didn't like how my first draft was written.

So now I only have 2 1/4 more pages to go. WOOHOOO.

SIDE NOTE: If anyone has any opinion on word choice in academic papers, or why (and this one is aimed mostly at any Fair Grovians who've written a paper for Mrs. Beller) the words "good" and "bad" aren't...well, good, please feel free to comment or send me a Facebook message, cuz I'm all for input!

But I'll get it done.  I always do.

Anyways, that's been my life for the last couple of days.  Glad I could catch you up. :)


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