Monday, September 17, 2012

Laundry room rants

    Now that it's a few weeks into the semester, I think I'm finally starting to get used to college life (especially if your definition of college life is hanging out in your dorm room a lot watching movies and tv shows on Netflix.) So, seeing as I didn't venture home last weekend (I had to go cheer on my football team-and by that I mean the pride marching band).  I had a rather large pile of laundry building up in my basket and decided to do some laundry. I could just as easily avoid doing homework on the eighth floor as I do in my dorm room.
       Now, I've done laundry here before, because there's no charge to use the machines (yet another perk of attending Missouri State, ladies and gents) and what I've come to realize is that very little of your time is spent washing and/or drying your clothes; it's mostly waiting for a machine. I sat for 15 minutes before a washing machine opened up, and now I've got at least another 20 minutes until a dryer is free. In fact, a girl who has 4 dryers going (and I know they're all hers because she marked them with sticky notes) just came in and restarted the timers on all of her machines. Which were almost done. And the timer restarts at 60 minutes. Needless to say, I'm a little ticked off.
I'm fairly certain I can fit all my clothes into one dryer. ONE DRYER. THAT'S ALL I NEED. Is that too much to ask, chick-who-has-four-half-filled-dryers-going-for-a-second-round?? Is it????

 Ok, I finally got a dryer (and I was right: all my clothes fit into one!)  And apparently, the same chick that restarted her dryers did it again for a THIRD time (SERIOUSLY).  I also found this super cute video online, but I wished I would've found it when I was in the laundry room-I probably would have been in a better mood. So to brighten your day you should watch this super cute panda video.

That's all for now!


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Things to do instead of writing a paper

As every high school student knows, whenever you sit down to write a paper somehow everything else in the entire world becomes insanely more interesting.  And thus far, my college experience is no different! 

And that makes me very, VERY, afraid.

So, needless to say, I have a paper due Thursday on a writing construct (or, for people not in my honors English class, a "rule" about writing that isn't necessarily valid all the time. Like how the information in textbooks is viewed as truth, but should really be seen as an argument or claim, not fact. (I know, according to my class, everything I learned in school was a LIE. Jerks.))  The paper was officially assigned last Tuesday, and in that time, I've managed to:
My invitation! (Isn't it cute?)
-Watch 5 movies
-Find countless funny pictures on Pinterest
-Hang out with my roomies and my friend Beth
-Start planning my brother and sister-in-law's housewarming party (and by planning I mean making super creative invitations and not much else)
-Help my mom at her office
-Complete all my Spanish and Psychology assignments (see, not all of them are counterproductive!)
-Get caught up on all things Facebook
-Try to get my old Nintendo 64 to work (which was unsuccessful. bummer.)
-Help pick out a birthday present for my suitemate

Now before you get all worried that I haven't even started my paper (mom and dad), I will have you know that I have almost an entire page written, and that was after I completely started over because I didn't like how my first draft was written.

So now I only have 2 1/4 more pages to go. WOOHOOO.

SIDE NOTE: If anyone has any opinion on word choice in academic papers, or why (and this one is aimed mostly at any Fair Grovians who've written a paper for Mrs. Beller) the words "good" and "bad" aren't...well, good, please feel free to comment or send me a Facebook message, cuz I'm all for input!

But I'll get it done.  I always do.

Anyways, that's been my life for the last couple of days.  Glad I could catch you up. :)


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The first (of many....)

It was suggested to me today that I should start a blog to document my life and all the goings-on while I'm at college (thanks Paul!).  And so, here I am!

I just started college at Missouri State University a few weeks ago.  In that time, anyone that I've talked to for more than 2 minutes-at church, when I go home for the weekend, on facebook-always asks me one question.

"How's college?"


Seriously!  I don't know what it is, but whenever someone asks, everything remotely interesting that's happened to me completely leaves my mind.  EVERYTHING leaves my mind. I can't even think of my opinion on college in general!  I usually say something along the lines of "It's interesting. I haven't really experienced it long enough to have a real opinion" blah blah blah....

I know. Really fascinating, right?

But it's true!  I went from a school of 400 people and a class of 70 ish people to a university with over 5000 people. 

There's not even 5000 people in my hometown. 

It's kind of a big change.  Culture shock, if you will. (Which I know sounds slightly ridiculous, considering I'm literally 30 minutes away from home, but still...)  So I don't know quite how to feel about everything at this point.  I know this is where I'm supposed to be (sorry, South Carolina friends!), and I know that God is definitely gonna use me while I'm here.  But there's still so much more that I have to be a part of before I can have a true opinion of my life here.

And I think that's ok. :)

So if you really wanna know how college is for me, give me a little time, send up a little prayer for me (because it's always appreciated...and needed lol), and check this blog (which is named in reference of the song "College Kids" by relient k-you should check it out. So funny.)  I'll try to keep it up-to-date.  I can't promise it'll be the best thing you've read, but it should be....interesting, to say the least. :)

That's it for now!