Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The first (of many....)

It was suggested to me today that I should start a blog to document my life and all the goings-on while I'm at college (thanks Paul!).  And so, here I am!

I just started college at Missouri State University a few weeks ago.  In that time, anyone that I've talked to for more than 2 minutes-at church, when I go home for the weekend, on facebook-always asks me one question.

"How's college?"


Seriously!  I don't know what it is, but whenever someone asks, everything remotely interesting that's happened to me completely leaves my mind.  EVERYTHING leaves my mind. I can't even think of my opinion on college in general!  I usually say something along the lines of "It's interesting. I haven't really experienced it long enough to have a real opinion" blah blah blah....

I know. Really fascinating, right?

But it's true!  I went from a school of 400 people and a class of 70 ish people to a university with over 5000 people. 

There's not even 5000 people in my hometown. 

It's kind of a big change.  Culture shock, if you will. (Which I know sounds slightly ridiculous, considering I'm literally 30 minutes away from home, but still...)  So I don't know quite how to feel about everything at this point.  I know this is where I'm supposed to be (sorry, South Carolina friends!), and I know that God is definitely gonna use me while I'm here.  But there's still so much more that I have to be a part of before I can have a true opinion of my life here.

And I think that's ok. :)

So if you really wanna know how college is for me, give me a little time, send up a little prayer for me (because it's always appreciated...and needed lol), and check this blog (which is named in reference of the song "College Kids" by relient k-you should check it out. So funny.)  I'll try to keep it up-to-date.  I can't promise it'll be the best thing you've read, but it should be....interesting, to say the least. :)

That's it for now!

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