Saturday, November 17, 2012

Authority in Writing: Introduction

**NOTE: I wrote this for an assignment in my English Class, so it may be different from the other posts I've written.  Sorry if it's a little boring.**

As much as I would like it to be otherwise, writing papers is a crucial part of the college experience.  When I was in high school, I felt confident in my ability to write such papers; I had always received good grades, and I thought I could handle the next step in my education.

I was wrong.

Writing papers in college is hard!  The methods I was taught in high school were helpful in high school…not so much in college.  I had no idea what I was doing and my writing showed that.  It felt like I lost any authority that I had in high school the moment I walked onto the college campus.  Luckily, my college English class opened my eyes to unnecessary rules, or constructs, I had about writing and taught me how to regain authority in that area.  And now I am going to pass these skills on to you-especially my friends who are getting ready to take those first steps into college.  To have authority in writing takes 3 main aspects: knowledge, confidence, and respect.  Each aspect affects the others.  For the sake of your sanity (and mine) I’m talking about each specific aspect separately.  Each post will be titled "Authority in Writing", and I'll be posting them as I write. Feel free to provide feedback! 

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