Thursday, November 8, 2012

Updates on College Life

I don't really have anything super interesting or frustrating to write/rant about right now, but I felt like I needed to update my blog anyway.


I'm gonna fill you all in on my life in college so far! (I guess that's the point of this blog or something...)

1) Roommates!

Me and Beth at the Fall Festival
in Fair Grove.  I feel like this
describes our friendship perfectly. :)
Ok, so my first roommate, Kelcie, was awesome.  We got along well, watched a lot of the same TV shows and was great.  Unfortunately, she had to move to a different dorm about three weeks ago because she was trying to do everything she could to lower her school bill (and I completely understand. I will not be living in Hutchens next's too dang expensive!!).  So I  was rather roommate-less for a few weeks.  Then my spectacular friend Beth (I say that because I know she reads this blog lol) decided to move into my room! It made a bunch of sense, considering she was already over here all the time.  Everything is going great. We're extremely ridiculous late at night, but it has already made for some good memories...and I can only expect more in the weeks to come. :)

2) Classes!

Classes....well, they're going as well as expected.  I'm not failing any of them, so there's always that! For the first time in a while, my classes are actually a challenge.  It's kind of nice, in a stress-inducing freak out sort of way.  (Word of advice to any future college students: do not take a 5 credit hour class unless you need it for your major. Especially if it's math.)  I am SO ready for the semester to be over, though.  I'm kinda diggin' the block schedule kind of thing.  It means I won't have pre-calculus next semester.  HALLELUJAH.

3) Church!

I can now announce that I am (officially) the intern for the Dayspring youth group!! I was unofficially the intern for a long time, but I was given a bit of an adjustment period to figure out college life and such so I wouldn't be too overwhelmed with everything.  (Chances are, I will still be overwhelmed, but at least I'll be adjusted to it. haha)  I'm extremely excited to be a bigger part of the leadership in the group, and I can't wait to see where God takes me!!

4) Other Things!

Ok for some reason my relationship status has come into question a lot in the last few weeks.  So to clear up any confusion, I AM SINGLE.  I don't know why people thought I wasn't.  I have given no evidence that would cause people to think I am in a relationship (except for that one time a month or two ago when I changed my relationship status on Facebook for about 5 minutes. That was because I was talking to one of my best friends and no matter how hard we try, we still tend to act like 12 year olds and we wanted to see how long it would take to get a reaction from my fb friends. NOTHING MORE.)  Anyone who knows me knows that I am rather awkward around everyone.  Around a guy I like? I'm freakin' ridiculous.  Seriously.  I remember certain situations and I just have to crack up laughing because the awkwardness is palpable.  And you might be thinking, "Alaina, just because you're awkward doesn't mean you can't be in a relationship." and you would be correct.  But I'm not going to get into a relationship just to be in one.  I want to be impressed; I want to be swept off my feet; I want to be treasured.  Any guy who isn't willing to do that for me isn't worth my time.  Sure, there may be times of weakness when I get bummed out that he hasn't come around yet, but that's ok.  I've got a God who loves me unconditionally, and who treasures me as one of his most precious creations.  I'm ok with waiting.

So hopefully you're a little more caught up with all things Alaina now.  If you have anything that you would like me to write about, or any questions you would like me to answer, feel free to message me on Facebook or leave a comment on here! PLEASE. :)

That's it for now!

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