Sunday, December 9, 2012

My throat hates me.

The next 4 days of my life will be a stress filled, insanity-inducing, lets-see-how-many-emotions-your-mind-can-shove-into-a-twenty-four-hour-period nightmare of a week.

That's right. It's time for finals.

Now, I'm an extremely odd person who actually enjoys tests (chalk it up to me being gifted or just being strange) so the tests themselves are not what I'm worried about.  I'm worried that I'm starting to get sick.

Of course this would happen to me.

Let me explain to you what is happening in my body right now.  When the weather starts to get cold, my sinuses decide to do their annual winter cleaning.  This results in a really annoying sore throat for (what seems like) forever and a lovely ever-present headache.  My tonsils kinda swell and my throat just feels raw.  This happens at some point every year.  It's not contagious, and it doesn't really stop me from normal life just makes me feel kinda bleh.
Unfortunately, my bottom wisdom teeth saw an opportune moment, and unlike Will Turner in POTC, they took it.  (Yes, I did just make a Pirates of the Caribbean reference. I LIKE THAT MOVIE. Deal with it.)  So along with it feeling like my throat is coated with sandpaper every time I swallow, my jaw has a constant aching.

And, to top it off, I bit my tongue the other day.

Yeah. I'm that awesome.

I'm not telling you all of this so that you feel sorry for me.  I'm sure I'll look back on this in a few months and laugh about all of this (in fact, I think it's kinda funny now.)  I just wanted to update you all on my life, and ask that you pray for me that I can make it through this week and not totally bomb my finals.

Plus, this gave me a break from studying.  YAY PROCRASTINATION!! :)

That's all for now!

P.S. If you have a minute, please send up a prayer for my friend Katie.  My Fair Grove friends should know the story, but if you want to know more details, click here.  She's been a friend of mine since elementary, and I know she and her family would appreciate all the extra prayers! :)

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