Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fun Fact of the Day (Mini post)

Ok, so I know I already posted once today.

This post isn't really a post, more of a fun little thing I figured out about 2 minutes ago.

Blogger has this super cool feature that tells you all about your blog audience-where they're located in the world (just the country, not the exact location), how they got to your page (mine is mostly through Facebook since I always post that I updated my blog on my timeline), even what browser they use. It's all pretty awesome.

According to this though, I have an international audience. As in, readers from Australia, South Korea, Romania, Sweden, Germany, Russia, and a few other countries.


Now I do know a couple of people from Germany, like my friend Lisa who was a foreign exchange student my junior year (and Lisa, if you are in fact the reader from Germany, HI! Thanks for reading my blog!!)




I have no idea how this happened. And, even though Blogger's audience info is pretty cool, it's not cool enough to show me what pages these people viewed. :(



I may have an idea.

I googled the title of one of my most viewed pages, Things to do instead of writing a paper, and guess what?

My blog was the fourth search result.


Now, this could be because I'm logged into my Google account. But I'm going to hope that that is not the case.


I'm still super pumped.

Ok, random mini post over.

Thanks for indulging me in my freakout.

That's it for now!
Alaina :)

P.S. If you are reading this and are from a country that is not the United States, HI! Please comment and let me know. I'll feel super cool that you read my blog!

If you're reading this and you are from the United States, HI! Please comment and let me know. I'll feel super cool (albeit not as cool) that you read my blog!

K Thanks.

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