Monday, August 19, 2013

Year Two: Back in Action

So I for sure ran into a pole yesterday.


I'm that cool.

In other news, I started my second year of college today! It's exciting times.
My dorm is super cool this year, and we actually have living room furniture and room to, like, socialize with people.

We probably won't, but WE HAVE THE CAPACITY. And that's all that matters.

I'm taking some classes that are a little more challenging than ones that I've taken in the past. It'll be interesting to see how this goes.

In my Biology class today, the teacher was like "this class is for Biology majors and minors. If you're just in this for a Gen Ed, you probably want a different class." And I was like "crap." BUT I'M STICKING WITH IT. I mean, I haven't ruled out a Biology major or minor...

Also, my Spanish class is probably going to kick my butt this semester. But it's also going to make me actually speak Spanish, and I really need that.  If I'm gonna minor in a language, I should probably feel comfortable in speaking it.

It also helps that there's a cute guy who sits next to me in the class.
But it's mostly the minor thing.

I apologize that this post isn't really as hilarious as some of my previous posts. Aside from me running into the pole/pillar yesterday, nothing really exciting has happened to me.


I have it on good authority that I am a fairly interesting person. Hopefully by my next post I'll have a good story for you guys.

That's all for now!
Alaina :)

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