Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My nose is cold.

My room is like a freezing pit of awful right now.  Our heat doesn't get turned on for another 5ish days and it's kinda cold when you're 11 flights up.

I'm wearing two pairs of socks right now. And am sitting under a super thick blanket. And I'm still cold.


Anyway, it's been over a month since I've updated my blog, so I thought I'd give it another go. It has nothing to do with the paper that I have to write by tomorrow AT ALL, okay?


Okay, so procrastination aside, I feel bad that I don't have a whole lot to update you guys on. I mostly just go to class, do homework, eat, go to church, watch movies (typically while doing homework) and sleep.

I'm supes boring, guys.


It's not like I don't do stuff, but it's nothing really exciting.  Although, the other day I did go see Gravity (you know, the space movie with Sandra Bullock?) with my friends Beth and Victoria.  We didn't actually plan on going to see it, we were just bored and the movie theatre was like the only thing open at 10 on a Sunday.  So, we go to see Gravity and it is CRAZY intense. Not like in an "Oh my gosh so many things are happening at once and what's gonna happen next" kind of way...more like a "oh no I'm trapped in space and am running out of oxygen and even though I'm sitting in a theatre and not in space I'm not breathing because what if I am in space and oh my gosh I will never ever be an astronaut EVER" kind of way.

'Twas intense, indeed. And a very good movie. I recommend going to see it. And never becoming an astronaut.


I am learning to play la guitarra.

It is so much fun, you guys.  I mean, the first couple of weeks were super frustrating because my fingers hurt and they wouldn't sit on the strings right and as hard as I tried I couldn't play a freaking C major chord...but I've gotten a lot better since then.

Although, the first time I played a C chord right I almost cried.  Like, legitimately freaked out and then ran and told my roommates. And then texted my best friend. And then played it again to make sure it wasn't some fluke accident.

I was a bit excited.

So, yeah. That's been my life for the last little bit. I hope you enjoyed my ramblings and such, and if you have anything specific that you want me to talk about please please PLEASE let me know.  GIVE ME TOPICS, PEOPLE.

That's all for now!
Alaina :)

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