Sunday, November 3, 2013

Feel awkward? You're not alone.

A few weeks ago, I had a friend ask me how they could be less awkward around people.  I was a little taken aback by the question, to be honest.  I never really saw myself as someone who could give advice on how to be less awkward, because I've had my fair share of awkward moments.  A few days later, I had a different friend also talk about how socially awkward they felt around people.  Both of these instances got me thinking about why these two awesome people thought that they just couldn't function "normally" around people and why I thought the same things until recently. So here's a couple of things that I (or someone I know) has said, and why exactly that they aren't true.

I just don't know how to function around people.

      I used this one a lot.  I was convinced that everyone else in the world had gone to this school on how to talk to each other and I didn't get admitted.  It wasn't until I got older that I realized that other people felt that way too.  The biggest lie you can tell yourself is that everyone else has it all figured out.  No one, and I mean NO ONE, is confident and comfortable all the time.  Most people, especially if you're in high school and you're talking to people your age, are just as awkward and uncomfortable when they're shoved into an unfamiliar situation.  It's a part of life! There are awkward situations in life--it doesn't mean that you are awkward. Remember that.

I'm not normal/People will think I'm weird.

     Guys, I hate to break it to you, but normal is not only overrated, it's just straight up BORING.  Why would you want to be normal? Embrace your strange! Rock that nerdy t-shirt! Have a fangirl freak out about your favorite TV show (GUYS SHERLOCK SERIES THREE PREMIERES IN JANUARY AND I AM SO EXCITED...sorry, I had to throw that in there.) Rant about how the film adaptation totally didn't do the book justice.  The things that are important to you make you who you are!  Do you really want to have to hide that part of you just to make sure people like you? You are who you are, and if people don't like that, then they aren't worth your time.
     Also, weird/quirky people are the best! Just look at Jess from New Girl or Benedict Cumberbatch in Sherlock (I really really really like that show okay? DEAL.) or the entire cast of The Big Bang Theory.  Normal people aren't interesting to talk to. You are awesome and weird and you should OWN IT.

There are so many more things that I could put on this list, and I might continue it in the future.  But the main things that I hope you take away from this is that everyone feels awkward sometimes.  Just be proud of who you are, and own those quirks.  You're worth it, and people would love to get to know the real you. You rock!

That's all for now,
 Alaina :)

1 comment:

  1. I thought I commented on this earlier, but I guess it didn't go through. This was a great post. I totally agree with your points. A lot of people don't realize that there really isn't any such thing as a 'normal' person, and everyone is feels awkward sometimes.
