Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Declarations of the Un-Declared (see what I did there?)

Now that I'm over half way done with my first semester in college, it's time to think about what I want to do during the rest of my semesters in college.  I do not currently have a major, so planning much further than my next semester classes is kind of an issue.

You know how in high school, they tell you that being a well-rounded student is a great thing, and that you'll have so many options to choose from?  Yeah, well choosing SUCKS.

It's wouldn't be such a big deal if I even had an inkling of what I'd like to do with the rest of my life.  I enjoy languages, so I'm trying to learn as many as I can in my time at MSU.  But that's all I got.  It would be easier if there was a certain subject that I really excelled at (or one that I really hated).  I really can't seem to find one.  Now, I have some general areas that I'm pretty sure I would hate if I had to deal with it every day for the rest of my life...coughcoughmathcoughcough (sorry, Adi), but I really enjoy aspects of math, and I'm generally good at it.

That's the problem.  I'm generally good at a lot of things.

And the advice I get really isn't very helpful.  People are always like "That's OK that you don't know what you want to do with your life.  You can just figure it out. Don't stress about it." Blah blah blah.  And then advisors and such are like "It's OK to be undeclared right now-except when you finally do decide what you want to major in, you're basically screwed because you've used up all your Gen Ed credits, so you'll be stuck with a crap ton of 400 level classes with no break and you'll kind of want to die."  But if you do declare a major, and then change it (which basically ALWAYS happens) you're still in the same boat, except chances are all those classes you took toward your original major are now rendered pointless.

It's a serious catch-22.

Life was so much easier when I wanted to be the first woman president of the United States.

:)  That's it for now!


P.S. Any suggestions of what I should be when I "grow up" (especially if they're clever/hilarious) would be greatly appreciated.  You can leave them in comments on this page, or send me a message on Facebook, or even tell me in person (because I know the majority of you who read this I see on a fairly regular basis). K Thanks!!! :)

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