Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Birth of a Social Butterfly (well, kinda.)



You'll never believe what happened!!

Are you ready??

Are you sure??????

Ok, here it goes.


*cue various exclamations of shock and awe*



Or, to some of you, not very crazy.  And to those people, I offer this explanation.  Yes, I am an outgoing person, and yes, I like to hang out with people and do fun things and such; however, I am a selectively outgoing person. If I get put into a situation where I feel uncomfortable and/or don't know anyone, I won't really talk. So that makes joining new clubs/organizations slightly difficult sometimes.

So the fact that I am now part of a group that consists of more people than my roommates is a pretty freakin' big deal.


I am now an attender (is attender a word? Well, it is now.) of Christian Campus House.

Yes, I'm in another church group.  Stick with what you know, right? I freakin love Jesus. Plus, it's nice to be a part of a church group where I'm not a leader. :)

We actually tried out two different campus ministries last week. While CRU had pretty awesome worship (which is a big point boost in my book), I don't think anyone talked to us. At all. And we were in a room of like 200 people.

Needless to say, we didn't feel very welcome.

But when we went to CCH, we were introduced to like 7 people within 10 minutes.  I don't think there was a time that we were standing by ourselves the entire time we were there. (Fun fact: one of the girls we talked to was actually a former student of my grandma. Who knows how that affects her opinion of me, seeing as my grandma is quite the character lol)

Now I feel like I should mention that the CCH event we attended was a bonfire, where the CRU event was just a regular service thing. But still. I actually made friends at CCH. I could've had the same experience I had at CRU by listening to a worship CD.

*NOTE TO MY DYM KIDDOS: THIS is why connections are important. I met the CCH people on Friday, and I already consider myself a part of their group. I'm hanging out with them again tonight. Talking to people, making connections, making them feel welcome-these things are how we get people to stick around in youth. MORAL OF THE STORY: TALK TO PEOPLE.

Anyways, I felt like I had to share that with you guys. I had a few requests to make another blog post (but no suggestions on topics!!! Seriously, help a girl out.) and that's the biggest thing that's happened in the last few weeks.  For those of you that are interested, I will be posting the sermon I was supposed to give last Wednesday on here soon. It'll actually probably be much better as a blog post than as an audible sermon anyway. It's much more interesting to ramble via text. :)

That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. True dat with your comment about talking to people and being inclusive!! Boom!
