Friday, March 21, 2014

November to much could have happened?


Guess who may have kinda forgot she had a blog for a while?

If you guessed Lizzie Bennet of The Lizzie Bennet wouldn't technically have been wrong. But that's not important.

What is important is: ALAINA MADE A NEW BLOG POST!!!!!!!!! 

And the crowd exhales loudly from their mouths! (<<anytime you can make a Phineas and Ferb reference is a good time)

Anyway, for all my loyal readers out there (87.332% of whom consist of my immediate family) you may be wondering what has happened in the oh-so-thrilling life of a sophomore in college with no major and no job.

Well, 2 of those 3 descriptors are no longer accurate!

That's right folks! I am gainfully employed, AND I finally declared a major! *cue virtual high fives*

I mean, my job isn't the most exciting thing in the world, but it's solid and allows me potential to move up within the company--two things that are apparently important in a job. (This coming from a girl who's resume includes sitting at a front desk at 4 in the morning.)  But I am excited for this opportunity to actually make some money. Money is good.  Helps me pay off these student loans that are amassing at terrifying rates.

But such is the life of a Public Relations major. Actually, every major. I just needed some way to bring up that I'M A PUBLIC RELATIONS MAJOR NOW!

What is public relations? you may ask.
Well, for those of you too lazy to type two words into Google, I'll tell you.  Someone in Public Relations (or PR) is basically a person who acts as like a spokesperson of sorts for a company or organization--they put out press releases, set up interviews, all that kind of stuff.  They pretty much control how a company or organization is seen and interacts with the public (The relationship with the public, if you will.)

Why did you choose PR? you may wonder.
I chose it because it combines aspects of several fields that I enjoy: journalism, marketing, and communications. Newspaper in high school was like my absolute favorite thing ever.  I can't even really put it into words how much it meant to me. I've always been a big fan of making publicity for stuff too.  I can't tell you how many times I've ranted to my roommates or friends about how much better a flyer or something could have been made, or how a company should have fixed a commercial to get their message across more clearly.  And communications is sort of a new love--I personally think everyone, regardless of the degree, should have to take a class on interpersonal really shows some of the ways people need to adjust how they communicate with one another.  And PR kinda takes the best parts of those fields and mashes it all together into a usable degree. WIN.

Anyway, I think those are the major things that have happened in my life in the last like 3 months.  Hopefully I won't take that long to post again (but, honestly, there's a good chance it might.)

That's all for now!
Alaina :)

1 comment:

  1. I would like to point out a potential problem..... not being able to "put into words" how much being on Newspaper staff meant to you MAY be a little problem for a communications person ;)

    You may want to work on that :-D
